Wednesday, February 23, 2011

me.. whats inside.

This is a project that was to use text.. this one i didn't use much text but i did use a lot of stuff that was, this is basically me in little form.. it's what's "inside" of me (: everything in this is my favorite things. 
rainbow paint drops- saw this picture a couple weeks ago and i adore it i think it is so cool. i tipped it upside down though
Beach- i'm a beach and summer girl.
quote- In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different (coco chanel) this quote defines me.
ME (jsut says me)
All time low- favorite band- i changed the texture and color a bit 
Nail Polish
Zebra print.

Friday, February 18, 2011


 this is a crazy combo i did in digital imaging, Now the edges are pretty bad.. but then again i am still learning. My inspiration was from the flamingo.. and the random kitten in the cows mouth. hope you like.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Green Things..

 this is a project i have just complete where you get 15 pictures of random green things and you have to change things about them to make them all unique you cant add anything though.. my inspiration was AMY she sits next to me and tells me whats bad and good about my work.. THAnks GUHHRLL

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


for this assignment we were given a picture with a rainbow of color strips (i deleted red, orange, blue, and brown and erased with cool shapes) a ty-dye picture (i deleted that completely) a music note (duplicated 5 times, colored, rotated, and sized) 3 musicians (colored, rotated, and sized) and a graffiti picture (my background) what inspired me for this was the colors and my neighbor amy g. what i would do differently would be make more color because this color palate isn't the greatest.. ): Leave comments and tell me what you think thanks!